Sunday, July 26, 2009


I put out some scent this evening and waited about 30 minutes. It was hidden in an old 4 wheeled horse cart in the back yard where we had walked before so he couldn't just follow my tracks to find it. This time I tried not to lead him in anyway and tried to follow him as he worked. I also didn't talk to him except to reinforce the command and call him when he took off too far ahead on some 'goose chase'. I think it confused him a little bit and he got a little sidetracked until I called him back and gave the command again. Once he was down wind of where the scent was and he did a little circling and at one time I thought he would head right for it but he checked something else out and then moved on. I didn't stop when he moved on and followed him around the yard again. It appeared that he was hitting the scent but wasn't sure and I continued walking until he circled back. Then I stopped away from the hidden scent and almost ignored him. He jumped up against the back of the wagon but didn't go into his sit indication. He circled around and came over to me and I asked "Where is it?" and stayed where I was at. He went back to the cart and stuck his nose right in the area where it was hidden and then sat down. Once he was 'firmly planted' I went over and gave him a lot of praise and massage and then gave him a treat. We played around a little and I took off his vest and he turned around and jumped clear up on the cart, the scent was hidden under the seat where he couldn't reach it. He just looked at me and waited for another treat.
I changed some scent containers around and put two unscented/aired out tennis balls in a container (where they cannot contact any material) for some ball scented work. I use a plastic handle to throw the balls and let the dog find it. He can't bring it back and has to sit when he finds it. What's nice about it is there is no track left by me leading up to the scent.

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