Friday, February 27, 2009


Duece had an interesting day. First he ate the wrist band on my watch, then he had to dodge the vacuum cleaner and then another trip to town.

The cat knocks things off the counter and the dogs check those things out. Luckily I had another watch band. Duece doesn't like the vacuum cleaner and will give it a wide berth even when it's shut off. (Maybe I should hang my watch on the vacuum cleaner)

I put a smaller crate in the suburban, just behind the front seats hoping it would be a smoother ride than the rear crate. One of the bloodhounds came along too. We were gone a couple of hours and made a number of stops in town. Duece drooled all over, soaking his chest and front legs again but no vomit. As soon as we got home he was back rolling in the snow.

Later on we blocked off the kitchen and tried a little "find the bone." We have some bone in a glass jar with holes poked in the lid (we cover the 'holy' lid with a good lid to seal the jar and take it off when we use it). Duece spent a very little extra time sniffing the jar with the bone in it compared to the empty jars. The bone just doesn't have the strong scent like the other material so it's going to take a lot more work.

We finished the day with some sit, down, wait and some 'git up' in the basement. Duece is really food driven once he figures out what you want or I should say once I communicate to him what we want him to do. :-)

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