Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yesterday evening, Duece & I headed into town to pick up some donated training material. This time we put a couple of blankets on the front passenger seat and wrapped a leash around the set to hook Duece in. When I put him on the seat he didn't start watering at the mouth like he did when loaded into a crate. He sat up and looked around a short distance and then lay down on the seat with his head on the console watching me. I was able to talk to him while keeping my free hand scratching him. He was fine until I got out at WalMart when he started drooling and when I get back he had thrown up a little.WHile driving around he sat up a couple of times and drooled a little but preferred to lay down. We had another stop to make and he drooled some while I was away from the vehicle, but overall we had a good trip. He wasn't soaked like he usually was after a ride. We're crossing our fingers and plan to do a bunch more trips before we leave for the NASDN seminar in Nebraska.

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