Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today we took a trip to town, with Joker & Ziva. Duece did fine in the front seat until after our stop at WalMart. We were headed over to look at a car from a private seller when Duece's stomach started to churn. I could see it coming but just wasn't quite quick enough to get stopped and let him out. We did a quick clean-up and continued on. I left the dogs in the suburban while I test drove the car and they were fine when I got back. When we left, it was about 4 miles out of town when it happened again. I guess we'll keep trying and washing those blankets and hoping he'll grow out of it eventually.

We are open to ideas if you have one.

What's worked for others: use candied ginger, ginger snaps, sprinkle food with ginger; don't travel on empty stomach; always travel on an empty stomach; line his crate with hay; coca-cola syrup; take short trips and slowly increase them; play with him in the vehicle when it's parked; don't put him in a crate; put him on the passenger seat beside me; Through a Dog's Ear CD (on order); covering the crate; bring his favorite toy along; Rescue Remedy; Aconitum Napellus 30X (homeopathic); and some I probably missed.

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