Saturday, August 15, 2009


Yesterday Duece & I went to town and switched vehicles and took Helen's to get the oil changed. We stopped in at Helen's work for a few minutes and let Duece get spoiled. Afterwards we stopped at a couple of places and then went back and got the oil changed in the suburban. Then I made the mistake of stopping at Walmart. Not that I don't like Walmart, but it takes too long to checkout. Duece was wondering if I was ever coming back. Duece doesn't mind the traveling, he just can't handle the waiting in the vehicle and he threw up twice. I've tried leaving the vehicle running with the radio on, leaving it shut off with a battery radio on and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

This evening, Duece was restless and the weather outside is rotten so I took the 'Bone box' downstairs and hid it. Duece had his first piece of bologna last week and he goes nuts for it. So I got his vest and let him watch me put a piece of bologna in a zip lock and then we went down stairs to look for the 'Bone box." We spent a few minutes going from room to room and back again. Duece gave an indication about 3 feet from teh hidden box but when I told him to "Show me!" he got up and started searching again. He showed a lot of interest in the area about 3 feet away but actually got frustrated when he wasn't finding it. Finally, after checking out areas all around the hidden box, he got his nose in the area and did his 'down' indication and got his bologna.

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